I had read many different journals that he had written in but this one was super exciting to me because it was from one of his mission trips in Russia. He had such a heart for people and for missions, it was where he thought the Lord had lead him to be-on the misison field. Though I wonder because the Lord took him home, if the Lord might fulfill the vision of missions He gave my dad, if He might fulfill it through me. Never know :)
Anyways, I just typed up a few of the pages that he had written and thought it might be interesting for everyone else to read as well.
Russian Mission Trip Summer of 1990
July 3, 1990
“Tuesday we had one meeting and it was in a military town where no Americans had been allowed and as far as we know we are the first-Hallelujah! It’s exciting to witness to the people because they are so receptive. We went to set up two hours before we were suppose to have the meeting and started passing out tracks with a flyer in it that has our picture on it and God only knows what it says. The people started running to come get the tracks I mean from everywhere (across the street). In a matter of two hours we handed out one box of each track (there were 3 different kinds). God really has His way to put you where He wants you. We were suppose to start at 5:00 pm sharp but our crew didn’t arrive. So the people got restless after about 30-40 minutes and started pointing to their watches with an angry look on their face and pointing at us, so we told Tim to play something to stall for time. They said let’s go for it, just start singing praise and worship songs so Tim, Vernon, and myself started (God only knows how to break the ice). After about 4 songs the group arrived, what a relief! I was getting quite nervous with such a large crowd. I’m glad it happened though. Through this God has been placing a hunger in my heart to just pour myself out.
Afterwards we (the crew that did the set up and me) went and ate then returned to our rooms. Claude felt led to pray for me and what a blessing! The prayer said that God had anointed my hands to play [He is talking about his guitar that he used to lead praise and worship with] and my voice to sing and that people would be blessed by it. That not to be fearful but to use what God had given me. This encouraged me so much because I was wondering what God have sent me here for.”
July 4, 1990
“The next day we had two meetings, one in the morning in a park the other in Jelgaua. The morning meet we just brought the guitars in the park and started singing and doing skits. As a result 30 people got saved and we prayed for a lot to get healed. Again the people are so receptive, it’s ridiculous. After that we left and went straight to the 2nd meeting and set up to get everything right. We sang a song so that we could do the testing on the mikes. There was an excitement in the air. People are always bringing us gifts after you sing, mostly flowers, to both men and women. It literally blows me away. The concept of the Russians hate us is a big fraud from what we have seen. After this meeting there was about 70-100 that got saved. About 25 got healed of sickness, they came up and testified. There’s a hunger in my heart to want to do a solo on “More Love to Thee”.”
July 5, 1990
“We only had one meeting today; it was at 6:00 pm in the afternoon in a different park. We don’t know what we are doing from day to day so we just have to go with the flow…We set up and started handing out tracks like we usually do. The people just filled this park in about 30 minutes. They all except the tracks (with an exception of maybe one or two) with thankfulness. The service started out with praise and worship and the anointing there was heavy. The singing from what we were told is awesome. We went on as usual with the songs we planned and then gave testimonies and then preaching and then singing all mixed together. Brother Ron preached a message on God’s love that was strong and straight to the peoples hearts. He gave an alter call and about 150 people got saved….Then Bro Steve made told the people that we had bibles for them-I have never in my life seen anything like it…They were literally running over each other to get God’s Word (old and young). The people were like wild animals and the only thing that I could think of is how America rejects the Word of God. The people are so friendly and warm to us, they are always bringing us flowers and gifts all during the service….
Vernon and I decide to go and pray in my room. So we went and started and as we were praying people just started coming in and joining us. THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS IN OUR MIST.” ~ Guy Benton Kelley
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